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I recall writing in this blog last summer about the death of George Floyd. Now here we are again, not only following the trial with bated breath, but also reading about another, all too similar death, just down the street from the trial.

It’s clear that we are going to be talking about these things for a long time.  But that beats the alternative, which is a failure to talk about it. To that end, in our Sunday mornings together we are presently in the first of several planned “mini-series” on race-related topics. It’s not easy to talk about, but we must talk.

We also must listen. One thing we’ve discovered in recent times is just how much we have to learn about race issues.  We might, I might, think that we know about the issues, or know what to do, or are that we are unaffected by the issue.  We need to let go about such notions, and be listeners and learners. Don't tune out; be part of the conversation.

To that end, let me first of all point you to last week’s sermon on Biblical Racial Reconciliation which Chong delivered.  His sermon gave us four important points to consider:

  1. Racial reconciliation is part of gospel reconciliation
  2. God is not colorblind
  3. Racial sin can be systemic
  4. We suffer together as one body with diverse parts

Chong also gave me this link, which I am passing on to you, for an Ontario Human Rights Commission training entitled, Call it out: racism, racial discrimination and human rights.  It’s well worth the half hour or so that it takes to complete it. This short course will help break down what is obviously a huge, complex issue into relatable material. For example, it can help us understand the differences between systemic, societal and individual racism and where we fit in. I highly encourage you to check both of these out.

Also, I hope you will join us on Sunday as we together further consider aspects of this important topic.

Lastly, I would like to know what you are reading or watching to stay educated on this topic. Leave a comment below, or send me a note, and let’s share what we are learning.


Hank Kuntz about 3 years ago

Read a number of articles on the issue in Christianity Today, news and comments in the National Post representing various sides also, saw and heard Jemar Tisby speak as part of the January Calvin series and consequently got his book "The Color of Compromise", subtitled The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism. (Quite the story!)

PATRICIA DE BRUYN about 3 years ago

I am currently reading "Seven Fallen Feathers" by Tanya Talaga. It deals with the deaths of seven indigenous young people while going to highschool in Thunder Bay. The subtitle of the book is Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City. A very worthwhile read in getting some understanding into the plight of indigenous peoples and how we have failed them.

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