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Rom. 12:12, “Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; persevere in prayer.”

As a church, we are focussing this week on “perseverance in prayer” by looking at Scripture verses which speak of this, and especially by praying. We are now on day 13 of our 50 Days of Prayer for Fellowship Church; some of us may be in need of some help in persevering in prayer.

The Apostle Paul here turns it into an instruction: “Persevere in prayer”. Instruction alone may not motivate us, especially if we already feel we are failing at prayer. “I tried to persevere but I can’t!” you may want to cry. These words actually come in a whole chapter of instructions, including the two we see in this verse and many others, all related to the great goal of “being transformed by the renewing of the mind.”  This transformation of our minds is the desire of each and every one of us.

If I could suggest just one thing right here to help you persevere in prayer, it would be this: write it down. Write that prayer that needs to be prayed repeatedly, whether it is praising God, or a request for yourself, or an intercession for someone else.  It will help you persevere in prayer, and it will lead you later to praise.

We shall speak more of this over the coming week!

So we pray:
Dear loving God and Father of us all, you are always there for us to pray to. Forgive us when we fail to come to you. You are waiting to hear our prayers, but in our weakness we forget, in our humanness we get distracted, in our stubbornness we refuse to talk to you. Right now I ask you to help me to persevere in prayer just for today, as I go through the activities of this day, keep me in communication with you, for I need you desperately! Amen.

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