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A Prayer for Ukraine

Lord of all people and all nations,
We lift before you the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia,
Each girl and boy, each woman and man living in fear of what tomorrow might bring,
We long for a time you spoke of through your prophet Isaiah,
When weapons of war would be beaten into ploughshares,
When nation will no longer lift up sword against nation,
We cry out to you for peace,
Protect those who only desire and deserve to live in security and safety,
Comfort those who fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones,
Change the hearts of those set on violence and aggression,
Fill earthly leaders with great wisdom to find paths to peace,
Please Lord come and have your way in your world,
May your will be done here, on earth as it is in heaven,
May your peace reign. Now and always,
We lift this prayer to you, our God who is able to do
more than we can ever ask or imagine,
In the name of Christ our saviour,

Source: David Thomas, Christian Aid

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