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We've been on a congregational journey together the past month or so, as we looked at "The Building Blocks of Faith." Obviously our Christian faith is built on Jesus Christ "as the chief cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:20), but how does that play out in our daily lives?  With the help of Rev. Lesli van Milligen of Faith Formation Ministries, we examined four areas:

  • I Belong
  • I Know and Understand
  • I am Called and Equipped
  • I have Hope
After each worship service we invited everyone into discussion groups. We were thrilled with the willing participation of everyone in these groups, and for the chance to reflect on the morning's teaching together.
At the 21:40 mark of her final message in part one of this series, Rev. Lesli provided a very summary, providing the reason why it is insufficient to build our faith lives on just one "block," as substantial as that block may be.  We may have never even examined the fact that we have done this. When this one thing falls to the wayside, so does our faith. But, working together,  the four will reinforce one another and will thus support our faith and our lives. From there, we go to a needy world and offer them the belonging, understanding, calling and hope that we have received in Jesus.

We are not done yet.  At the end of last discussion group, we asked participants to complete an assessment, so we can know where we as a church are doing well and where the gaps are. If you have not yet completed the survey, please take 2-3 minutes now and download it from this page and send or bring it to the church office. This will be of tremendous help to your leadership.

Moving on, we are now in the season of Lent, and our teaching series will be "Journeying to Eden: from Darkness to Light."  Each topic will tie into the Building Blocks of Faith but from the opposite perspective, as we examine the meaning of the cross of Jesus in addressing the fallen world's great need. 

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