Our World Belongs to God 9

By my unofficial count we are in week seven of this COVID lockdown. Although the lead stories on the national news are optimistic reports about the first businesses re-opening, we’re not there yet.  Keep your seatbelts on, this is a long road we are on.  As we go, we continue to learn together how to be the church separated.  Yesterday we enjoyed worshipping then seeing one another in online Coffee Hour and in our Faithgroups.  Thank you all for participating so willingly!


 “Ask the animals, and they will teach you,
    or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
    or let the fish in the sea inform you.
 Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?
 In his hand is the life of every creature
    and the breath of all mankind (Job 12:7-10).

Today’s song is “All creatures of our God and King,” a 1919 William Draper hymn based on St. Francis of Assisi’s 1224 “Canticle of the Sun,” which is in turn a meditation on Ps. 148 (date unknown).

Paragraph 9 of the Contemporary Testimony "Our World Belongs to God" continues on the theme of CREATION:

7. Our world belongs to God—
not to us or earthly powers,
not to demons, fate, or chance.
The earth is the Lord’s.

8. In the beginning, God—
Father, Word, and Spirit—
called this world into being
out of nothing,
and gave it shape and order.

9. God formed sky, land, and sea;
stars above, moon and sun,
making a world of color, beauty, and variety—
a fitting home for plants and animals, and us—
a place to work and play,
worship and wonder,
love and laugh.
God rested
and gave us rest.
In the beginning
everything was very good.

[On creation, besides Genesis 1 and 2, see Psalm 19; Psalm 33:6-9; and Psalm 104.]

This is such a unique time to be pondering God’s creation, during this period where it is enjoying a rest. The headline out of the Toronto Star’s Vancouver bureau today reads, “For B.C.’s whales, finally some quiet time.” As boat traffic is way down, whale communication is much easier.  There are countless similar examples you could share of creation destressing.  This makes it a very good time to reflect on our very good God and the goodness of His creative imagination, which is still so close at hand. Find a way to get out and enjoy the peace and quiet today. And while you’re out, find a spot that needs cleaning and join me in picking up some trash. (Yes, I’m frustrated that our annual cleanup day was cancelled, but am determined to press on!)

“Lord you created this world good. We rejoice in this. We rejoice in you!  Our lives, our very breath, are in you!  As we enjoy the sights, smell and sounds of your creation today, you point us back in praise to your goodness!”

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.

Go with this blessing:

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Pastor Mark

PS – Online office hours tomorrow will 11am-noon (none in the afternoon).

PSS – If you are (or were) a Bruce Cockburn fan, perhaps the song that came to mind with today’s theme as “Creation Dream” from 1979. Enjoy!





Judi almost 4 years ago

Yes, it’s encouraging to hear that pollution is down. It makes me think that when this is over, if we observed the Sabbath and closed business and travel for one day per week, that’s 52 days per year to honour Gods day of rest, what a difference it would make!

Rev.  Mark  Broadus Rev. Mark Broadus almost 4 years ago

Good idea, Judi! If we can all keep some of our changed behaviour, there could be real benefits!

Bill almost 4 years ago

Thanks Mark and Judi too. Those are powerful words from Job--that we should listen to the creation itself to teach us the way that God wants us to live. We can hope and pray that we use this time of restraint and quiet to do so.

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