
Ezekiel 34; Matthew 25:31-46; Isaiah 40:10-11
Christ, The Shepherd King

Fellowship Church is pleased to offer this live service at 10AM.  We hope you will participate, and pray you will be spiritually enriched as you do. To join us, simply click on the "Watch Now" button at the top of this page, anytime after 9:50AM.  To download the Order of Worship or the full liturgy, please see the "Sermon Notes" section, above.


Christ the King Sunday, November 26, 2023

Welcome and Greeting

Call to Worship

One:  As followers of Jesus Christ, living in this world—we declare with joy and trust:

All:  Our world belongs to God! From the beginning, through all the crises of our times, until his kingdom fully comes, God keeps covenant forever.

One:  Our world belongs to him! God is King! Let the earth be glad! Christ is Victor; his rule has begun. Hallelujah! The Spirit is at work, renewing all creation.

All: Praise the Lord!

Rejoice the Lord is King 

Jesus Shall Reign 

How Great is Our God (LUYH, #574)

Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon


Scripture:  Ezekiel 34; Matthew 25:31-46; Isaiah 40:10-11  

Message: “Christ, The Shepherd King”

Jesus is Our King 

Prayers of the People 

Offering: Family Outreach Ontario


Glory Be to the Father 

Please join us for Coffee Hour after the service