Fellowship Church is pleased to offer this live service at 10AM. We hope you will participate, and pray you will be spiritually enriched as you do. To join us, simply click on the "Watch Now" button at the top of this page, anytime after 9:50AM. To download the Order of Worship or the full liturgy, please see the "Sermon Notes" section, above.
March 31, 2024 Easter – Jesus is Alive!
9:50 am: Prelude: Hymn Sing:
Up From the Grave
I Know that My Redeemer Lives
I Serve a Risen Saviour
10:00 am: Invitation to silent expectation
Call to Worship: Dramatic reading of John 20: 1-18
Praise the Lord
Christ the Lord is Risen today
See What a Morning
Flowering of the Cross instructions
Prayer of Adoration, Confession and Illumination
Sermon Bumper Video
Scripture: Luke 24:33-49
Message and Prayer: “Peace for You”
In Christ Alone
Offering and Offering Prayer: St. James Food Basket
Benediction Song: Celtic Alleluia
Please stay for Coffee Hour after the service. Exit through the glass sanctuary doors and proceed to the Fellowship Hall.